KOshowKO’s new EP ‘Mobile Positions’

iPads are quite difficult to photograph in nature, as I found out during the photo shoot for this cover art with Nick Harrison.

The release cover artwork is out which means that after a couple of pre-release singles, the new KOshowKO EP is also out today in its Bandcamp Edition. This release explores various ‘mobile positions’, mostly iOS related mobile music making strategies, although, there is a touch of OP1 and other mobile gear there as well.
The special BANDCAMP edition features one track not available elsewhere [‘Eastern Egoist (Jazzy Privilege Version)’] as well as a bunch of other goodies made with mobile gear in different locations, mostly across Australia, but also in Poland.

‘Mobile Positions’ EP explores performative storytelling – KOshowKO’s current way of making music that I also describe as ‘setting-based mobile music creation’. Some of these tracks were partially created in various national parks, some during train commutes and some at my kitchen table. All with battery powered, mobile gear. You can read more about the used gear in each track’s info on Bandcamp.

To date, there has been one music video released for the opening track ‘Hanging Rock’ (see below) and there are 3 more videos waiting to be published over the next months (for tracks 2, 3 and 4). To see them head over to KOshowKO’s YouTube at: https://www.youtube.com/KOSHOWKO

The release will be available on other music streaming platforms later this week, which happens to be Xmas eve.

Music video to the opening track ‘Hanging Rock’



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