The 12th Art of Record Production Conference took place just over two weeks ago in Stockholm. At the event, I had the opportunity to deliver a presentation summarising my mobile music production and research titled ‘The Tactile Evolution – Mobile Electronic Music Production and Digital Affordances of Apps’.
The conference was hosted by the The Royal College of Music which has some fantastic facilities, including a 29:4 room called the Dome where I also had the pleasure to present my work. The Dome features 29 loudspeakers mounted in 3 concentric rings plus 4 sub-woofers. The room was used for some very interesting presentations of spatial and multi-channel sound design. Over 3 days there were 3 parallel sessions and several keynotes responding to this year’s conference theme: Mono: Stereo: Multi. See a complete list of abstracts and the program for more details. The conference also included multiple musical surprises, such as the visit from the local children’s choir singing traditional Swedish Xmas music and the interview with Benny Andersson of Abba, who played some of his work on the piano as well (see the Instagram video of Benny and a still from the Abba museum below).
For quite some time now there has been a wealth of music production-oriented innovation coming out of Sweden and it was fascinating to discover that some of the music apps that I use in my work were created by graduates of The Royal College of Music.
My trip to the conference was eventful in other ways too as I in a rush to the airport, I left my backpack with my iPad and wallet on a local train. After I left Sweden for Poland where I had another workshop to deliver, I found out that the train driver found my backpack intact. I promptly ordered the lost item to be couriered to my via UPS, but then UPS lost my backpack in transit! I’m now writing these words in Australia and UPS have since found the backpack which is now traveling to Poland because UPS refused to send it to me to Australia. So there are still some issues to be dealt with when it comes to UPS…
The conference was a resounding success though and while in Stockholm I also interviewed Jakob Haq (who is running the excellent haQ attaQ channel on YouTube) so stay tuned for this recording!

The Dome’s spatial sound mixing console

Benny Andersson of Abba at the piano and as a wax figure at the Abba museum (second slide)
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