School of Music Collaboration podcast and user survey

I’m excited to announce the launch of the School of Music Collaboration podcast!
The first episode is now available on multiple podcast streaming platforms such as Spotify and Google Podcasts. And more streaming destinations will be added over time.

In the first episode, I outline and demystify 3 main approaches to online music collaboration. I’m also bringing up examples of software platforms for each of the approaches.

You can listen using the player below or play it via your favourite podcast provider with the links on my podcast website.

In the featured intro/outro music, I used excerpts from the track titled The Giver‘ by KOshowKO. It is a fruit of remote music collaboration of 4 musicians, located on 3 continents and in 4 countries, who never had a chance to meet face-to-face as a group. 

If you find this topic interesting, please subscribe to the podcast via your streaming platform!

I would also love to hear your feedback or suggestions of topics for future episodes.

To tell me more about your experience and interests in this area, you can complete this 1 minute online survey. Thanks in advance, your participation is much appreciated!

Thanks for listening and stay tuned for the upcoming episodes of this podcast. You can expect guests, such as Rebekah Wilson from Source Elements and Jesse Chappell from SonoBus joining me in conversation soon!



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